5 Things That Happened When I Stopped Wearing Makeup Everyday

5 that happened when I stopped wearing makeup everyday

When we moved to the country at the end of last year, I stopped wearing makeup everyday. I’m not sure why, really, but when we lived in town, there was barely a day that went by where I didn’t have some form of makeup on my face. I was so used to wearing makeup that I felt like a different person when I didn’t have any on, so I just kept wearing it.

When we moved, we were so busy for the first while that applying makeup wasn’t even a priority. I’d just shower, chuck on my old clothes and go. I realised after while how nice it was to not have to feel like makeup was something I needed to do everyday, and instead it was something I could choose to do when I felt like it. Did I ever think I’d post a photo completely makeup free on my blog? Never, but the image below is makeup free and filter/editing free.

Here are five things that happened when I stopped wearing makeup every day.

My Skin Cleared Up

I know everyone says it, but yes your skin really does get better when you stop covering it in makeup everyday. Even if you are using non-comodegenic or natural products, allowing the skin to breathe with nothing on it, does absolute wonders for it. Who knew?! 😅 I noticed almost straight away I ended up with less breakouts and my skin felt more manageable and actually less oily overall which was a bonus.

I Felt Better About Myself

Not wearing makeup everyday made me feel better about myself, as it made me accept me. My face, my skin, my eyes, my brows, everything. Being bare faced at first felt super weird, but I grew to love how I looked without makeup and I didn’t feel like I needed to hide behind a makeup mask every day. It’s made me a more confident person, as I’m now more than happy to head out without a speck of makeup on, and I don’t think twice. It’s very freeing.

5 that happened when I stopped wearing makeup everyday

Makeup Became More Fun

Instead of it feeling like a chore, I now look forward to the occasions where I wear makeup. It’s a bit of a treat to sit down, work out what products and colours I’m going to use, and apply them. I find applying makeup quite therapeutic, I love putting on my music and having a few minutes of me-time while I get ready. I really look forward to my makeup application now, rather than it just being another part of my daily routine I can’t wait to get out of the way.

I Spend Less On Makeup

Seriously, I buy SO much less makeup now and my bank balance is eternally grateful. At the start of the year, I streamlined my makeup collection down to just my essentials (you can watch my makeup collection video here), and I’ve been working my way through these products. With the exception of a new eyeshadow palette and a mascara, I don’t think I’ve actually purchased any new makeup this year. While I still love trying new products, I’m definitely a lot more picky now about what I do buy, as I just don’t use it as often.

You Don’t Have to Wash Makeup Brushes as Often

One of the biggest perks of only wearing makeup a few days a week, is the fact I can was my makeup brushes every two weeks now instead of weekly. I HATE washing makeup brushes, so this was an absolute bonus!

5 that happened when I stopped wearing makeup everyday

