Okay, I might have just come across one of the coolest and most eco-friendly beauty brands ever. The brand is Hippie Stick, a NZ beauty brand who produce beautiful natural lip butters. What is so unique about this brand is it’s conscious effort towards being a zero waste business. Aware of the planets plastic problem, Hippie Stick have created their lip butters in a natural and compostable tube that, once finished, can be planted in the garden. What then happens is a little like magic, your lipstick tube will grow into a beautiful cornflower, designed to attract bees into your garden. I mean, how cool is that?
The compostable tubes contain cornflower seeds, so it is literally as easy as popping the tube into the soil and these beautiful flowers will grow. Cornflowers are not only a fantastic food for bees and insects, but they are also edible too and bring a little bit of colour to your salad. Since bees are in decline on the planet, this is a lovely way to ensure our honey making friends are cared for. You can find out about planting your Hippie Stick Lip ButterĀ here.
While all this is very cool, the lip butters themselves are not to be forgotten. These are made from unrefined and natural ingredients and are completely natural. They are also vegan, having been made from cocoa and shea butters rather than animal by products. They are also made in NZ, which gives them a big thumbs up from me, as I am really trying to use more and more NZ made products.
I was lucky enough to be sent three of the Hippie Stick Lip butters in the shades Strawberry Patch and Monarch, and the natural flavour Lime & Coconut. All three are so incredibly creamy and delicious on the lips. They are super hydrating, smell delicious and glide on beautifully. With the coloured shades, you can either apply a small amount for just a hint of colour, or you can layer it up a little for a darker colour. Hippie Stick also recommend applying a little translucent setting powder over the top to turn your lip butter into a more matte finish.
I have to make a special mention about the packaging, as you all know how much I love pretty packaging. Not only is the compostable and plantable packaging a totally unique and amazing idea, I just love the eco-luxe look. With the cardboard look tube, and the beautiful floral illustrations, the marketing and packaging around this brand is simply beautiful and one of the prettiest I’ve come across recently.
Each coloured lip balm retails for $38, and the natural balms are $18. The balms are 8.5 grams, so are over twice the size of many other lip balms on the market. You can order your Hippie Stick online here.