14 Months With Jack

And just like that it’s been two months since Jack turned one! Where on earth did that time go? I’m amazed at how much Jack has changed in the past two months, it’s like he’s just grown up all of a sudden and become quite the little boy. As I mentioned in my 13 month post, Jack…

13 Month Old Routine and Feeding Schedule

Since I’ve become a mum, one thing I’ve found really useful is seeing what other people do with their babies. Things like routine and feeding schedules were so handy for me, especially as a new mum.  Feeding schedules offer up ideas for things that I can feed my baby, and seeing how other people structure their day…

Welcome to Wellness Box

It’s likely you’ve heard of BellaBox, the once a month subscription box that’s delivered to your door and filled with the latest and greatest beauty products. BellaBox have recently introduced their Welcome to Wellness box to New Zealand, and they kindly asked if I would like to review one. The Welcome to Wellness Box uses the same…

Jack’s 1st Birthday

Last week we celebrated Jack’s first birthday. I’m still in shock at how fast the last year has gone. Time is such a funny thing with kids as they feel like they’ve been in your life forever and you can’t remember a time without them, but at the same time it just feels like yesterday that they…

How to Shop for a Baby on a Budget

One thing I’ve gotten really good at is buying stuff for a baby on a budget. Since we bought our house nearly two years, we’ve been trying to do our house up so a lot of our extra money has gone on that. Of course, at the start with a baby there were quite a few things we…

Surviving the 10 Month Sleep Regression

Why is it when people talk about the dreaded sleep regression, they only really talk about issues at 4 months? We sailed through the 4 month regression, and I remember feeling quite thrilled at the time that I seemed to have such a good sleeper. I think Jack woke up a handful of times during the night,…

My Stance on Natural Products

If you’ve been a regular reader for a while, you might know that a couple of years ago I made the switch to natural beauty products. For a year or so I was very strict about what products I used and I used a 100% natural beauty and personal care regime. I also used a lot of…

10 Months With Jack

I still quite can’t get my head around the fact that Jack is 10 months old already (okay and by the time I’ve actually posted this he’s nearly 10 and a half months!). In just under 2 months and he will be one and I really just don’t know where the year has gone. It’s like life…

5 Items That Make Mum Life Easier

When it comes to being a mum, I am all about finding things that make mum life easier. I’ve read and watched so many “baby must haves” articles, and noticed that many of them contain pretty much the same sort of things. Today I wanted to share five things that are a bit unique and different to…

I’m Back!

Okay, so that break didn’t last long. And many of you might not have even really known I was going on a break as I only really talked about it on Instagram and Facebook (er, if you aren’t following me there then you really should be!). Back in December I announced that I was done with blogging…