Give Me The Cold Shoulder Trend!

The cold shoulder trend has to be one of my current favourites. While there have been some beautiful tops available for AW17 unfortunately they aren’t the most practical if (like me), you live in a cold climate! I am so happy to see this fun trend is still going strong for the Spring season, with some beautiful…

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INIKA Baked Mineral Foundation Review

A while back, I shared with you a makeup look I created using only INIKA products. One of the products that really stood out to me was the INIKA Baked Mineral Foundation, and ever since, I’ve been using it almost every day. I thought it was about time this product deserved a review of it’s own! INIKA…

Why Workout Gloves Are A Good Idea

Since I’ve started doing weights at the gym, my poor hands have taken a beating. Yes, I’m probably a bit of a wuss, but I’m definitely a girly girl and my hands are pretty soft. The continual picking up and lifting of weights has meant that I’ve ended up with some pretty nasty blisters and calluses as…

Ash Lash Care Natural Lash Conditioner

Before I made the swap to green beauty products, I used to swear by the product Revitalash. I’m sure many of you have heard of it, as it’s a wonder serum designed to help grow and condition your eyelashes. The problem with this product is that it isn’t all natural, and in fact contains phenoexyethanol which is…

Does Dairy Free Help Acne?

It’s been over two months since I committed to a full dairy-free diet. For the most part, sticking to the dairy free diet has been really easy. I’ve become obsessed with plant milk and coconut yoghurt, and I haven’t had a bit of my beloved Whittakers Creamy Milk in over two months. I sort of missed chocolate at…

Apricot and Almond Muesli Recipe

I’ve never been big on breakfast, and it’s only recently that I’ve actually found myself starting to enjoy eating the first meal of the day. For me it was always smoothies, and while I still 100% love these, it is nice to mix it up and alternate options for breakfast too. The other thing I’ve always loved…

The Rock Box Maxi Dress

Like I mentioned in my last Spring post, this year I plan to wear far more dresses and much more colour. I’m trying to make an effort to get out of my beloved jeans, and into something a little different, and I have to say that this beautiful dress has made that very very easy. Sometimes it’s…

3 Pink Lipsticks for Spring

Spring is just around the corner, and so are longer, brighter days. It’s such a happy time of year for me as the flowers are blooming and everyone seems to be a little bouncier as we head towards sunnier days. I’m constantly convincing myself that everyday the days feel just that tiny little bit longer, and before…

Virtuous Skincare Skin Repair Cream Review

Recently I’ve been lucky enough to try out a New Zealand made skincare brand called Virtuous Skincare. The brand is the brainchild of Lisa West, a qualified Naturopath, Herbalist, and Theraputic Massage Therapist who creates her skincare line from her home in New Plymouth. Virtuous Skincare’s main product is the Skin Repair Cream – a nourishing cream…

Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are one of my favourite indulgences, and when I went dairy free I wanted to still be able to enjoy this delicious baked treat…. but without having to break my no dairy diet. I did a little looking around on the internet, but some recipes contained ingredients I either didn’t like (such as peanut…