Ah the Kmart Milk Frother. A genius little appliance that not only froths, but heats your milk, allowing you to make hot drinks almost as good as you’d get in a coffee shop. I purchased my Milk Frother about six months ago when they were fairly new out. Now they seem to be super popular, with many Kmart stores running out of stock! At $29, this appliance is a total bargain. It’s compact so doesn’t take up much space in your kitchen cupboards, and it’s also really easy to use and is a must-have as we head into winter!
I purchased mine as I loved the milk frother on my Nespresso U Milk, but could never be bothered getting the whole damn coffee machine out of the back of the cupboard. We hardly use our coffee machine, so I just wanted a compact milk frother that would allow me to make delicious chai lattes and hot chocolates, and meant I could pack away our Nespresso. After a quick Google search, I came across the Kmart Milk Frother and was sold on the price and compact-ness of it.
The milk frother has two functions. It can either froth cold milk, or it can heat and froth milk. I haven’t actually used the cold froth version (as lets face it, who actually drinks cold frothed milk?), but I use the heating and frothing version A LOT. Simple pop the little frother attachment into the appliance, plug it in, fill your milk up the correct line (there’s one for cold and one for hot), and turn it on to the correct setting. In just a couple of minutes you’ll have frothy heated milk that can be poured into your drink of choice.
It should be noted that this appliance is designed to just froth milk. I’ve never put cocoa or anything into the frother as they advise you not to. I generally make up about half to three quarters of a cup of my desired drink, and then pour the frothy milk on the top and give it a quick stir.
Another note, this milk frother froths normal milk the best. I use either lite or regular milk and it froths up brilliantly, however I’ve also tried it with almond milk and I didn’t get much froth at all.
If you are keen on getting the Kmart Milk Frother, you may have to hunt around at your local Kmart or try your luck online. Luckily the Kmart shipping in NZ is actually pretty cheap at $5 ($9 for rural), or free if you spend over $45!
Cold froth is so nice to make iced coffee with! I don’t do it that often though.
I’m not a huge fan of iced coffee, but I wonder how it would go making iced chocolate! Maybe I’ll have to give it a go!