Simple Recipes: Tuna Buckwheat Salad

Right now I am all about the quick and simple recipes, and even better if that recipe is healthy and tasty. I’ll be honest, while I love cooking I’m not much of a cook, preferring to make simple things or rely or a recipe.  Of course, with a nearly six month month old in the house, I…

How to Make the Perfect Hot Chocolate

A delicious hot chocolate is one of my ultimate comforts, especially when it’s not so nice outside. While Spring is finally here, and we’ve had some amazing Spring days, there’s a storm heading over NZ so there’s no better time to enjoy an amazing hot chocolate.  Nothing beats a sweet, creamy hot chocolate with tons of froth…

The Kmart Milk Frother Review

Ah the Kmart Milk Frother. A genius little appliance that not only froths, but heats your milk, allowing you to make hot drinks almost as good as you’d get in a coffee shop. I purchased my Milk Frother about six months ago when they were fairly new out. Now they seem to be super popular, with many…

How I Broke My Coffee Addiction

While I wouldn’t say I was coffee addict per se, it’s definitely something I used to have quite a lot of. I would enjoy 2-3 cups a day at my peak coffee drinking times, which I know isn’t much compared to some people (I used to know a guy who had 11 cups by lunchtime!). But caffeine…

Chocolate Bliss Balls That Are SO Easy!

For the past few months or so, I have been very particular about what I am buying when I visit the supermarket. Instead of leaving with a trolley full of fizz, chips and chocolate, like I used to, I am only buying healthy foods. I’ve dropped a lot of snack foods from my diet and no longer…

Apricot and Almond Muesli Recipe

I’ve never been big on breakfast, and it’s only recently that I’ve actually found myself starting to enjoy eating the first meal of the day. For me it was always smoothies, and while I still 100% love these, it is nice to mix it up and alternate options for breakfast too. The other thing I’ve always loved…

Dairy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are one of my favourite indulgences, and when I went dairy free I wanted to still be able to enjoy this delicious baked treat…. but without having to break my no dairy diet. I did a little looking around on the internet, but some recipes contained ingredients I either didn’t like (such as peanut…

Chai Protein: Masala Chai Review

Chai Lattes have been my go-to drink for years now, often so in the place of coffee. I love the spicy warm taste, and I could seriously drink a few of them in a day! I was quite excited to discover Chai Protein, a protein powder that tastes like a chai latte. It can be consumed hot…

The Best Berry Protein Smoothie

I’ve never been much of a breakfast person. I don’t really enjoy eating cereals and toast on a regular basis, and while I do love a cooked breakfast, that’s more of a weekend thing. For years I’d miss breakfast completely, and as a result I’d just end up eating filler foods like muesli bars or muffins mid-morning…

Double Chocolate Oreo Truffles

These double chocolate Oreo truffles, are pretty much my idea of heaven. I love Oreos, and I love chocolate, so combining the two together, I knew was going to be good!  I adapted this recipe from this one for Easy Oreo Truffles, and just added my own twist to make them a whole lot sweeter. While this recipe…