My Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding. It’s one of those things that as mothers is supposed to come naturally to us. You see it everywhere, pictures of mothers smiling lovingly down at their babies. But the thing is that is doesn’t come all that easy to some people, myself included. I wasn’t going to write this post, but at the same time…

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How to Make the Perfect Hot Chocolate

A delicious hot chocolate is one of my ultimate comforts, especially when it’s not so nice outside. While Spring is finally here, and we’ve had some amazing Spring days, there’s a storm heading over NZ so there’s no better time to enjoy an amazing hot chocolate.  Nothing beats a sweet, creamy hot chocolate with tons of froth…

5 Things: Newborn Essentials

If you Google the term ‘newborn’, people are mixed on what age this extends to. Some say three months, while others say one month. Either way my little dude is no longer being considered a newborn (how scary!) so I’ve now had three months to get into the swing of things and find out what works and…

I Put Coconut Oil in My Hair for a Month

Ever since I went blonde, I know my hair hasn’t been at it’s healthiest. Bleaching and highlighting hair does take a serious toll on it, and I was left with lots of split ends and broken, brittle hair. While I’ve found a fab shampoo and conditioner to help restore the majority of my hair, there are all…

What To Pack For a C-Section

I can’t tell you how many blog posts and articles I read about packing for the hospital before Jack was born. I was so terrified I would forget something, so I actually started writing my list at around 23 weeks just so I could ensure I had everything I needed for both me and bubs. Of course,…

The Clothing Items You REALLY Need While Pregnant

I recently did a bit of a poll over on my Instagram (if you’re not following me then what are you waiting for?! 🤣), and the majority of people said they wanted to see more mum life and parenting related posts on the blog. Of course I’m stoked about this as this is what I am loving…

The Snowberry Instant Deep Cleanser

Today I wanted to share with you the third and final cleanser that I’ve been trying out from New Zealand skincare brand Snowberry. You can read my reviews of the Gentle Cleanse and Tone and the So Soft Cleanser or get a bit of background information about the Snowberry brand here.  The last cleanser I have to…

My Caesarean Section Recovery

If you’ve been following my pregnancy diary posts, then you will probably know that I opted for an elective caesarean section for the birth of my first child Jack. I had a low lying placenta throughout my whole pregnancy, and at my 36 week scan it had still only moved 13mm away from the opening of the…

The Snowberry So Soft Cleanser

A couple of weeks ago I talked about the important role that a cleanser plays in your skincare routine, and I shared my thoughts on the Snowberry Gentle Cleanse and Tone cleanser that I’ve been using as part of my morning skincare routine. Today I wanted to share my thoughts on another Snowberry Cleanser, the So Soft…

Kate of Arcadia: The HI Purse

If you’ve been following along with my fashion content for a while, then chances are you’ve seen my Kate of Arcadia bag pop up a million times on my blog. I purchased the Manx bag about three or four years ago and have used it everyday since. It’s hands down my favourite bag, and is the perfect…