You CAN be Stylish While Pregnant!

I’ve mentioned this before, but before being pregnant, I kind of assumed that all maternity wear was ugly and unflattering. I had expectations of living in leggings and baggy tshirts for the entire pregnancy, and as someone who loves her fashion, this killed me a little inside. It wasn’t until I started looking at maternity clothes that…

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What’s Inside My Beautiful Because Order

I’ve been a little naughty lately buying a few new items of makeup and skincare. I think I need to place a ban on myself looking at all of the online stores, as it’s just so tempting and so hard to resist buying new and exciting products. I just justify it to myself, by saying that I’m…

Junkfood Denim + the Most Comfy Pants!

One brand I used to LOVE, was Junkfood Denim. They used to sell it at Wildpair, and I owned more pairs of Junkfood jeans than I’d care to count. When Wildpair closed down (what seems like ages ago now!), I was pretty gutted that I could no longer get this brand as easily. Fast forward a few…

Baby Gender Reveal: It’s A……

Ever since we found out I was pregnant, I’ve been dying to know what flavour baby will be. I’m probably the most impatient person, and while I do like surprises, there was no way I could hold off until July to find out. So last month at our 20 week anatomy scan, we found out if baby…

Leahlani Skincare – Hawaiian Natural Skincare

Leahlani is a brand that I wanted to try for the longest time. One look at the beautiful product names and stunning packaging, and I’m sure you can see why! It’s a bit of a tricky brand to get a hold of here in New Zealand, so I was thrilled to see that Eve Organics is a…

Shopping for Maternity Jeans

When I found out I was pregnant, I knew straight away I would be investing in a pair of maternity jeans. I’m totally a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal, and since I’d be spending a good chunk of being pregnant in winter, I knew I’d need some sort of jeans or pants to keep me warm.…

My New Favourite Cleanser: Acure Sensitive Cleanser

I feel like I blog about skincare a lot. It’s really not intentional, but I just am really passionate about natural skincare, and that means I end up trying A LOT of new products. I thought I had settled into a bit of a skincare routine there for a while, until a package showed up on my…

How I Style Aviator Sunglasses

No matter what time of the year it is, you’ll find me wearing a pair of sunglasses. They are, hands down, my favourite accessory. Since I am short-sighted (meaning I need glasses for seeing in the distance), I prefer to opt for prescription sunglasses. These make life so much easier when it comes to driving and heading…

Living Nature Bee Venom Mask Review

Would you believe that I have never tried a sheet mask before? As someone who loves their beauty products, I don’t know how it has taken me so long to get around to trying one, yet I always just seem to gravitate towards your traditional “slap on” masks. When Living Nature released their new Bee Venom Mask,…

Pregnancy Diary: Week 18 – 21

Week 18 The week of no sleep. I sort of thought now was the time when I was supposed to be sleeping heaps, as people are always like “better get it while you can”, but this week my sleep was terrible. I’d be lucky to get 3-4 hours a night, which was definitely not enough as I…